Access European Smaller Buy-outs
The Access European Smaller Buy-outs investment program provides institutional and wholesale investors with exposure to European small buyouts through a combination of primary fund investments, secondary transactions and direct co-investment opportunities through dedicated vehicles and bespoke mandates.
Investment Program Overview
In managing the program, Access aims to generate a superior risk-adjusted return through enhanced diversification and selectivity. Access will endeavour to achieve such objective by mixing appropriately, primary fund commitments and secondary transactions in the smaller buy-out fund market.
The program actively invests in the best performing teams managing funds of less than €1 billion in size. It targets sub €100 million enterprise value companies at entry. Access aims to be a large primary investor in smaller funds with high return targets and privileged terms and conditions, a secondary buyer of choice in small and mid-market funds and a sophisticated value add co-investor.
Key drivers of value are pricing discipline, controlled levels of leverage, combined with turnover and EBITDA growth, achieved organically and/or using a buy-and build model. The strategy reflects Access’ investment philosophy that fundamental value creation is a more robust and sustainable source of return, through economic cycles, than sole reliance on financial leverage.
Investment is limited to institutional and wholesale investors only. For more information, please contact Charles Levinge at GSFM