

Fund PDS Additional Information Target Market Determination
Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) View PDF View PDF View PDF
Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) View PDF View PDF View PDF
Man AHL Alpha (AUD) Download PDS View PDF
Man GLG Asia Opportunities View PDF View PDF
Munro Climate Change Leaders View PDF View PDF View PDF
Munro Concentrated Global Growth View PDF View PDF View PDF
Munro Global Growth View PDF View PDF
Munro Global Growth Small & Mid Cap View PDF View PDF View PDF
Payden Global Income Opportunities View PDF View PDF View PDF
TCP Private Debt Income View PDF   View PDF



Fund New Investor
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Details Form
Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) Apply Here Apply Here View PDF View PDF View PDF
Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) Apply Here Apply Here View PDF View PDF View PDF
Man AHL Alpha (AUD) Apply Here View PDF
Man GLG Asia Opportunities Apply Here Apply Here View PDF View PDF
Munro Climate Change Leaders Apply Here Apply Here View PDF View PDF
Munro Concentrated Global Growth Apply Here Apply Here View PDF View PDF
Munro Global Growth Apply Here Apply Here View PDF View PDF
Munro Global Growth Small & Mid Cap Apply Here Apply Here View PDF View PDF
Payden Global Income Opportunities Apply Here Apply Here View PDF View PDF
TCP Private Debt Income Apply Here



To be used in conjunction with the application form

Individual CRS Self-Certification Form
CRS Entity Self-Certification Form
Controlling Person CRS Self-Certification


Form A – Individuals & Sole Traders View PDF
Form B – Australian Companies View PDF
Form C – Foreign Companies View PDF
Form D – Australian Regulated Trusts View PDF
Form E – Unregulated Australian Trusts & Foreign Trusts View PDF
Form F – Partnerships & Partners View PDF
Form G – Associations View PDF
Form H – Registered Co-Operative View PDF
Form I – Government Body View PDF



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Updated Fees & Costs Disclosure – June 2024