Unit Prices

Unit Prices

Filter by date
Fund APIR code Date NAV Price Entry Price Exit Price  
Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) Fund GSF0001AU 18-09-2024 0.9734 0.9753 0.9715 Historical prices
Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) Fund GSF0002AU 18-09-2024 1.3716 1.3743 1.3689 Historical prices
Man AHL Alpha (AUD) Fund MAN0002AU 16-09-2024 1.5158 1.5158 1.5158 Historical prices
Man GLG Asia Opportunities Fund GSF6910AU 18-09-2024 1.1667 1.1690 1.1644 Historical prices
Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund GSF1423AU 18-09-2024 1.4130 1.4151 1.4109 Historical prices
Munro Concentrated Global Growth Fund GSF9808AU 18-09-2024 1.9102 1.9131 1.9073 Historical prices
Munro Global Growth Fund MUA0002AU 18-09-2024 1.9613 1.9642 1.9584 Historical prices
Munro Global Growth Small & Mid Cap Fund GSF0874AU 18-09-2024 1.4138 1.4159 1.4117 Historical prices
Payden Global Income Opportunities Fund GSF0008AU 17-09-2024 1.0692 1.0703 1.0681 Historical prices
TCP Private Debt Income Fund ETL4900AU 31-07-2024 1.0038 1.0038 1.0038 Historical prices

The most recently available entry/exit prices are set out here. If unit prices are not available for today, then the latest available prices will be displayed. Unit prices are usually calculated each business day and are not available for weekends and public holidays. The entry and exit prices you will receive if you were to apply for or redeem units in a Fund may differ from those shown above because the actual price will be calculated by reference to a different date.

Past performance information provided on this website is given for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as (and is not) an indication of future performance. Investing involves risk including loss of capital invested. Please click here to read the disclaimers in full.

Select Fund

    Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) Fund Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    30-06-2024 9.8712 1.2817 1.2791 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-03-2024 0.5403 1.3931 1.3903 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-12-2023 0.4734 1.2590 1.2565 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-09-2023 0.3214 1.2242 1.2218 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2023 5.3274 1.2371 1.2346 View PDF View PDF View PDF

    Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) Fund Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    30-06-2024 0.5000 0.9101 0.9083 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-03-2024 0.1000 0.9027 0.9009 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-12-2023 0.1000 0.8451 0.8434 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-09-2023 0.1000 0.7900 0.7884 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2023 0.5000 0.8180 0.8164 View PDF View PDF View PDF

    Man AHL Alpha (AUD) Fund Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    30-06-2024 4.9555 1.6027 1.6027 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2023 0.3781 1.5738 1.5738 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2022 1.6276 1.5759 1.5759 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2021 4.9399 1.4756 1.4756 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2020 5.8441 1.3620 1.3620 View PDF View PDF -

    Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    30-06-2024 0.0000 1.3714 1.3693 - - -
    30-06-2023 0.2482 0.9606 0.9592 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2022 0.0541 0.7940 0.7928 View PDF View PDF View PDF

    Munro Concentrated Global Growth Fund Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    30-06-2024 7.8984 1.9507 1.9478 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2023 1.4255 1.4608 1.4586 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2022 2.9990 1.2026 1.2008 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2021 7.1499 1.4365 1.4343 View PDF View PDF View PDF

    Munro Global Growth Fund Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    30-06-2024 8.7941 2.0334 2.0303 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2023 0.0000 1.5828 1.5804 - - -
    30-06-2022 0.0000 1.4558 1.4536 - - -
    30-06-2021 13.2499 1.6903 1.6878 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2020 17.1738 1.4684 1.4662 View PDF View PDF View PDF

    Payden Global Income Opportunities Fund Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    30-06-2024 1.3989 1.0572 1.0561 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-03-2024 0.0100 1.0597 1.0586 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-12-2023 0.0100 1.0439 1.0429 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-09-2023 0.0100 1.0255 1.0245 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2023 1.0000 1.0141 1.0131 View PDF View PDF View PDF

    Tribeca Alpha Plus Fund - Class A Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    31-12-2023 1.9934 1.3944 1.3902 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2023 5.4623 1.3118 1.3079 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-12-2022 2.5874 1.3525 1.3484 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2022 11.4519 1.2110 1.2074 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-12-2021 2.3397 1.5022 1.4977 View PDF View PDF View PDF

    Tribeca Australian Smaller Companies Fund - Class A Distribution

    Filter by date
    Period To Distribution
    price ($)
    Valuation price on ex-date ($) Distribution
    ex-date unit prices
    IMD02P004: CPU &
    ex-date unit prices
    31-12-2023 0.0000 1.4754 1.4710 - - -
    30-06-2023 0.9457 1.3300 1.3260 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-12-2022 0.5479 1.3080 1.3041 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    30-06-2022 15.7404 1.2021 1.1985 View PDF View PDF View PDF
    31-12-2021 0.3167 1.8313 1.8258 View PDF View PDF View PDF

    Past performance and past payments of income or capital provided on this website are given for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as (and are not) an indication of future performance or future payments of income or capital. Investing involves risk including loss of capital invested. Please click here to read the disclaimers in full.

    Select Fund
      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1661"
          string(9) "GSF0002AU"
          string(21) "Epoch GESY - Unhedged"
          string(10) "2024-08-31"
          string(5) "-0.24"
          string(4) "6.93"
          string(5) "17.31"
          string(5) "10.63"
          string(4) "8.88"
          string(4) "9.33"
          string(4) "9.20"
          string(4) "8.15"
          string(5) "-1.24"
          string(4) "4.44"
          string(5) "18.84"
          string(4) "9.61"
          string(5) "13.05"
          string(5) "13.78"
          string(5) "13.28"
          string(4) "9.72"
          string(4) "1.00"
          string(4) "2.49"
          string(5) "-1.53"
          string(4) "1.02"
          string(5) "-4.17"
          string(5) "-4.45"
          string(5) "-4.08"
          string(5) "-1.57"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "7.66"
          string(4) "9.52"
          string(4) "8.38"
          string(4) "7.69"
          string(4) "8.11"
          string(4) "7.96"
          string(4) "6.22"
          string(5) "-0.24"
          string(5) "-0.73"
          string(4) "7.79"
          string(4) "2.25"
          string(4) "1.19"
          string(4) "1.22"
          string(4) "1.24"
          string(4) "1.93"
          string(5) "-0.24"
          string(4) "6.93"
          string(5) "17.31"
          string(5) "10.63"
          string(4) "8.88"
          string(4) "9.33"
          string(4) "9.20"
          string(4) "8.15"

      Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) Fund Performance

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 (0.24) 6.93 17.31 10.63 8.88 9.33 9.20 8.15
      Benchmark3 (1.24) 4.44 18.84 9.61 13.05 13.78 13.28 9.72
      Over / (Under) 1.00 2.49 (1.53) 1.02 (4.17) (4.45) (4.08) (1.57)

      Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) Fund Performance Components

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution4 0.00 7.66 9.52 8.38 7.69 8.11 7.96 6.22
      Growth (0.24) (0.73) 7.79 2.25 1.19 1.22 1.24 1.93
      Total (0.24) 6.93 17.31 10.63 8.88 9.33 9.20 8.15

      1 15 May 2008
      2 Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      3 MSCI World ex-Australia Index in $A, net dividends reinvested*
      4 Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      *All data is the property of MSCI. No use or distribution without written consent. Data provided “as is” without any warranties. MSCI assumes no liability for or in connection with the data.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1662"
          string(9) "GSF0001AU"
          string(19) "Epoch GESY - Hedged"
          string(10) "2024-08-31"
          string(4) "2.70"
          string(4) "7.89"
          string(5) "20.44"
          string(4) "7.67"
          string(4) "7.64"
          string(4) "6.61"
          string(4) "6.74"
          string(4) "7.63"
          string(4) "1.75"
          string(4) "5.33"
          string(5) "22.66"
          string(4) "6.51"
          string(5) "11.88"
          string(5) "10.57"
          string(5) "10.24"
          string(4) "8.85"
          string(4) "0.95"
          string(4) "2.56"
          string(5) "-2.22"
          string(4) "1.16"
          string(5) "-4.24"
          string(5) "-3.96"
          string(5) "-3.50"
          string(5) "-1.22"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "0.59"
          string(4) "1.09"
          string(4) "1.11"
          string(4) "3.00"
          string(4) "3.32"
          string(4) "6.13"
          string(4) "7.80"
          string(4) "2.70"
          string(4) "7.30"
          string(5) "19.35"
          string(4) "6.56"
          string(4) "4.64"
          string(4) "3.29"
          string(4) "0.61"
          string(5) "-0.17"
          string(4) "2.70"
          string(4) "7.89"
          string(5) "20.44"
          string(4) "7.67"
          string(4) "7.64"
          string(4) "6.61"
          string(4) "6.74"
          string(4) "7.63"

      Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) Fund Performance

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 2.70 7.89 20.44 7.67 7.64 6.61 6.74 7.63
      Benchmark3 1.75 5.33 22.66 6.51 11.88 10.57 10.24 8.85
      Over / (Under) 0.95 2.56 (2.22) 1.16 (4.24) (3.96) (3.50) (1.22)

      Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) Fund Performance Components

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution4 0.00 0.59 1.09 1.11 3.00 3.32 6.13 7.80
      Growth 2.70 7.30 19.35 6.56 4.64 3.29 0.61 (0.17)
      Total 2.70 7.89 20.44 7.67 7.64 6.61 6.74 7.63

      15 May 2008
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      3 MSCI World ex- Australia Index, Net dividends reinvested, 100% hedged into $A*
      4 Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      *All data is the property of MSCI. No use or distribution without written consent. Data provided “as is” without any warranties. MSCI assumes no liability for or in connection with the data.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1672"
          string(9) "MAN0002AU"
          string(19) "Man AHL Alpha (AUD)"
          string(10) "2024-08-31"
          string(5) "-3.96"
          string(5) "-8.67"
          string(4) "0.99"
          string(4) "1.57"
          string(4) "2.53"
          string(4) "3.59"
          string(4) "3.78"
          string(4) "4.43"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "2.74"
          string(4) "3.03"
          string(4) "1.45"
          string(4) "2.39"
          string(4) "2.58"
          string(4) "2.17"
          string(4) "1.75"
          string(5) "-3.96"
          string(6) "-11.41"
          string(5) "-2.04"
          string(4) "0.12"
          string(4) "0.14"
          string(4) "1.01"
          string(4) "1.61"
          string(4) "2.68"
          string(5) "-3.96"
          string(5) "-8.67"
          string(4) "0.99"
          string(4) "1.57"
          string(4) "2.53"
          string(4) "3.59"
          string(4) "3.78"
          string(4) "4.43"

      Man AHL Alpha (AUD) Fund Performance

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 (3.96) (8.67) 0.99 1.57 2.53 3.59 3.78 4.43

      Man AHL Alpha (AUD) Fund Performance Components

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution3 0.00 2.74 3.03 1.45 2.39 2.58 2.17 1.75
      Growth (3.96) (11.41) (2.04) 0.12 0.14 1.01 1.61 2.68
      Total (3.96) (8.67) 0.99 1.57 2.53 3.59 3.78 4.43

      1 September 2009
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1669"
          string(9) "GSF6910AU"
          string(31) "Man GLG Asia Opportunities Fund"
          string(10) "2024-08-31"
          string(5) "-0.11"
          string(4) "4.13"
          string(5) "10.67"
          string(5) "12.00"
          string(5) "-1.88"
          string(4) "4.04"
          string(5) "10.47"
          string(5) "13.03"
          string(4) "1.77"
          string(4) "0.09"
          string(4) "0.20"
          string(5) "-1.03"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "4.09"
          string(4) "4.35"
          string(4) "2.64"
          string(5) "-0.11"
          string(4) "0.04"
          string(4) "6.32"
          string(4) "9.36"
          string(5) "-0.11"
          string(4) "4.13"
          string(5) "10.67"
          string(5) "12.00"

      Man GLG Asia Opportunities Fund Performance

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 (0.11) 4.13 10.67 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.00
      Benchmark3 (1.88) 4.04 10.47 N/A N/A N/A N/A 13.03
      Over / (Under) 1.77 0.09 0.20 N/A N/A N/A N/A (1.03)

      Man GLG Asia Opportunities Fund Performance Components

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution4 0.00 4.09 4.35 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.64
      Growth (0.11) 0.04 6.32 N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.36
      Total (0.11) 4.13 10.67 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.00

      19 October 2022
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      MSCI All Country Asia ex Japan Net Index in AUD
      Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      *All data is the property of MSCI. No use or distribution without written consent. Data provided “as is” without any warranties. MSCI assumes no liability for or in connection with the data.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1666"
          string(9) "GSF1423AU"
          string(33) "Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund"
          string(10) "2024-08-31"
          string(5) "-0.99"
          string(5) "-1.08"
          string(5) "41.45"
          string(5) "12.57"
          string(5) "-1.31"
          string(4) "4.40"
          string(5) "17.82"
          string(4) "9.68"
          string(4) "0.32"
          string(5) "-5.48"
          string(5) "23.63"
          string(4) "2.89"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "0.13"
          string(5) "-0.99"
          string(5) "-1.08"
          string(5) "41.45"
          string(5) "12.44"
          string(5) "-0.99"
          string(5) "-1.08"
          string(5) "41.45"
          string(5) "12.57"

      Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund Performance

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 (0.99) (1.08) 41.45 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.57
      Benchmark3 (1.31) 4.40 17.82 N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.68
      Over / (Under) 0.32 (5.48) 23.63 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.89

      Munro Climate Change Leaders Fund Performance Components

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution4 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.13
      Growth (0.99) (1.08) 41.45 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.44
      Total (0.99) (1.08) 41.45 N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.57

      1 29 October 2021
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      3 MSCI All Country World Net Index Index in AUD
      Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1664"
          string(9) "GSF9808AU"
          string(37) "Munro Concentrated Global Growth Fund"
          string(10) "2024-08-31"
          string(5) "-1.18"
          string(4) "2.10"
          string(5) "31.25"
          string(4) "9.46"
          string(5) "17.29"
          string(5) "-1.24"
          string(4) "4.44"
          string(5) "18.84"
          string(4) "9.61"
          string(5) "12.96"
          string(4) "0.06"
          string(5) "-2.34"
          string(5) "12.41"
          string(5) "-0.15"
          string(4) "4.33"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "3.98"
          string(4) "5.11"
          string(4) "2.67"
          string(4) "2.95"
          string(5) "-1.18"
          string(5) "-1.88"
          string(5) "26.14"
          string(4) "6.79"
          string(5) "14.34"
          string(5) "-1.18"
          string(4) "2.10"
          string(5) "31.25"
          string(4) "9.46"
          string(5) "17.29"

      Munro Concentrated Global Growth Fund Performance

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 (1.18) 2.10 31.25 9.46 N/A N/A N/A 17.29
      Benchmark3 (1.24) 4.44 18.84 9.61 N/A N/A N/A 12.96
      Over / (Under) 0.06 (2.34) 12.41 (0.15) N/A N/A N/A 4.33

      Munro Concentrated Global Growth Fund Performance Components

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution4 0.00 3.98 5.11 2.67 N/A N/A N/A 2.95
      Growth (1.18) (1.88) 26.14 6.79 N/A N/A N/A 14.34
      Total (1.18) 2.10 31.25 9.46 N/A N/A N/A 17.29

      1 31 October 2019
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      MSCI World (ex Australia) Total Return Net Index in AUD
      Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1663"
          string(9) "MUA0002AU"
          string(24) "Munro Global Growth Fund"
          string(10) "2024-08-31"
          string(5) "-0.65"
          string(4) "0.32"
          string(5) "27.32"
          string(4) "4.11"
          string(5) "13.21"
          string(5) "12.01"
          string(5) "12.70"
          string(5) "-1.31"
          string(4) "4.40"
          string(5) "17.83"
          string(4) "8.42"
          string(5) "11.98"
          string(5) "12.66"
          string(5) "12.52"
          string(4) "0.66"
          string(5) "-4.08"
          string(4) "9.49"
          string(5) "-4.31"
          string(4) "1.23"
          string(5) "-0.65"
          string(4) "0.18"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "4.16"
          string(4) "5.29"
          string(4) "1.46"
          string(4) "5.06"
          string(4) "4.06"
          string(4) "3.97"
          string(5) "-0.65"
          string(5) "-3.84"
          string(5) "22.03"
          string(4) "2.65"
          string(4) "8.15"
          string(4) "7.95"
          string(4) "8.73"
          string(5) "-0.65"
          string(4) "0.32"
          string(5) "27.32"
          string(4) "4.11"
          string(5) "13.21"
          string(5) "12.01"
          string(5) "12.70"

      Munro Global Growth Fund Performance

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 (0.65) 0.32 27.32 4.11 13.21 12.01 N/A 12.70

      Munro Global Growth Fund Performance Components

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution3 0.00 4.16 5.29 1.46 5.06 4.06 N/A 3.97
      Growth (0.65) (3.84) 22.03 2.65 8.15 7.95 N/A 8.73
      Total (0.65) 0.32 27.32 4.11 13.21 12.01 N/A 12.70

      1 August 2016
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      *All data is the property of MSCI. No use or distribution without written consent. Data provided “as is” without any warranties. MSCI assumes no liability for or in connection with the data.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1671"
          string(9) "GSF0008AU"
          string(39) "Payden Global Income Opportunities Fund"
          string(10) "2024-08-31"
          string(4) "0.29"
          string(4) "1.18"
          string(4) "5.60"
          string(4) "1.21"
          string(4) "1.25"
          string(4) "1.69"
          string(4) "2.35"
          string(4) "2.69"
          string(4) "0.38"
          string(4) "1.11"
          string(4) "4.39"
          string(4) "2.69"
          string(4) "1.75"
          string(4) "1.77"
          string(4) "1.89"
          string(4) "2.05"
          string(5) "-0.09"
          string(4) "0.07"
          string(4) "1.21"
          string(5) "-1.48"
          string(5) "-0.50"
          string(5) "-0.08"
          string(4) "0.46"
          string(4) "0.64"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "1.32"
          string(4) "1.41"
          string(4) "0.82"
          string(4) "2.60"
          string(4) "2.34"
          string(4) "2.17"
          string(4) "2.15"
          string(4) "0.29"
          string(5) "-0.14"
          string(4) "4.19"
          string(4) "0.39"
          string(5) "-1.35"
          string(5) "-0.65"
          string(4) "0.18"
          string(4) "0.54"
          string(4) "0.29"
          string(4) "1.18"
          string(4) "5.60"
          string(4) "1.21"
          string(4) "1.25"
          string(4) "1.69"
          string(4) "2.35"
          string(4) "2.69"

      Payden Global Income Opportunities Fund Performance

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 0.29 1.18 5.60 1.21 1.25 1.69 2.35 2.69
      Benchmark3 0.38 1.11 4.39 2.69 1.75 1.77 1.89 2.05
      Over / (Under) (0.09) 0.07 1.21 (1.48) (0.50) (0.08) 0.46 0.64

      Payden Global Income Opportunities Fund Performance Components

      As at
      31 August 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution4 0.00 1.32 1.41 0.82 2.60 2.34 2.17 2.15
      Growth 0.29 (0.14) 4.19 0.39 (1.35) (0.65) 0.18 0.54
      Total 0.29 1.18 5.60 1.21 1.25 1.69 2.35 2.69

      1 18 September 2012
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index*
      4 Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      *“Bloomberg®” and Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index are service marks of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates, including Bloomberg Index Services Limited (“BISL”), the administrator of the index (collectively, “Bloomberg”) and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by GSFM Responsible Entity Services Limited. Bloomberg is not affiliated with GSFM Responsible Entity Services Limited, and Bloomberg does not approve, endorse, review, or recommend the Payden Global Income Opportunities Fund. Bloomberg does not guarantee the timeliness, accurateness, or completeness of any data or information relating to the Payden Global Income Opportunities Fund.

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1618"
          string(9) "ETL0069AU"
          string(23) "Tribeca Alpha Plus Fund"
          string(10) "2024-05-31"
          string(4) "1.32"
          string(4) "0.71"
          string(5) "17.04"
          string(4) "8.03"
          string(5) "11.83"
          string(5) "10.12"
          string(5) "11.27"
          string(4) "9.55"
          string(4) "0.92"
          string(4) "1.16"
          string(5) "12.93"
          string(4) "6.80"
          string(4) "7.83"
          string(4) "8.54"
          string(4) "7.78"
          string(4) "6.82"
          string(4) "0.40"
          string(5) "-0.45"
          string(4) "4.11"
          string(4) "1.23"
          string(4) "4.00"
          string(4) "1.58"
          string(4) "3.49"
          string(4) "2.73"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "6.28"
          string(4) "6.87"
          string(4) "5.62"
          string(4) "8.10"
          string(4) "7.74"
          string(4) "7.27"
          string(4) "1.32"
          string(4) "0.71"
          string(5) "10.76"
          string(4) "1.16"
          string(4) "6.21"
          string(4) "2.02"
          string(4) "3.53"
          string(4) "2.28"
          string(4) "1.32"
          string(4) "0.71"
          string(5) "17.04"
          string(4) "8.03"
          string(5) "11.83"
          string(5) "10.12"
          string(5) "11.27"
          string(4) "9.55"

      Tribeca Alpha Plus Fund - Class A Performance

      As at
      31 May 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 1.32 0.71 17.04 8.03 11.83 10.12 11.27 9.55
      Benchmark3 0.92 1.16 12.93 6.80 7.83 8.54 7.78 6.82
      Over / (Under) 0.40 (0.45) 4.11 1.23 4.00 1.58 3.49 2.73

      Tribeca Alpha Plus Fund - Class A Performance Components

      As at
      31 May 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution4 0.00 0.00 6.28 6.87 5.62 8.10 7.74 7.27
      Growth 1.32 0.71 10.76 1.16 6.21 2.02 3.53 2.28
      Total 1.32 0.71 17.04 8.03 11.83 10.12 11.27 9.55

      1 18 September 2006
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      3 S&P/ASX-200 Accumulation Index
      4 Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      array(1) {
        object(stdClass)#11925 (52) {
          string(4) "1619"
          string(9) "ETL0052AU"
          string(36) "Tribeca Australian Smaller Companies"
          string(10) "2024-05-31"
          string(5) "-0.70"
          string(4) "1.63"
          string(5) "21.31"
          string(4) "3.61"
          string(4) "9.44"
          string(5) "10.39"
          string(4) "8.74"
          string(4) "8.37"
          string(5) "-0.05"
          string(4) "1.53"
          string(5) "10.92"
          string(5) "-0.08"
          string(4) "4.18"
          string(4) "6.67"
          string(4) "6.48"
          string(4) "4.67"
          string(5) "-0.65"
          string(4) "0.10"
          string(5) "10.39"
          string(4) "3.69"
          string(4) "5.26"
          string(4) "3.72"
          string(4) "2.26"
          string(4) "3.70"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "0.00"
          string(4) "0.86"
          string(4) "9.55"
          string(4) "7.05"
          string(4) "8.69"
          string(4) "6.63"
          string(4) "5.06"
          string(5) "-0.70"
          string(4) "1.63"
          string(5) "20.45"
          string(5) "-5.94"
          string(4) "2.39"
          string(4) "1.70"
          string(4) "2.11"
          string(4) "3.31"
          string(5) "-0.70"
          string(4) "1.63"
          string(5) "21.31"
          string(4) "3.61"
          string(4) "9.44"
          string(5) "10.39"
          string(4) "8.74"
          string(4) "8.37"

      Tribeca Australian Smaller Companies Fund - Class A Performance

      As at
      31 May 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Fund2 (0.70) 1.63 21.31 3.61 9.44 10.39 8.74 8.37
      Benchmark3 (0.05) 1.53 10.92 (0.08) 4.18 6.67 6.48 4.67
      Over / (Under) (0.65) 0.10 10.39 3.69 5.26 3.72 2.26 3.70

      Tribeca Australian Smaller Companies Fund - Class A Performance Components

      As at
      31 May 2024
      Month % 3 Months % 1 Year % 3 Years % p.a. 5 Years % p.a. 7 Years % p.a. 10 Years % p.a. Since Inception1
      % p.a.
      Distribution4 0.00 0.00 0.86 9.55 7.05 8.69 6.63 5.06
      Growth (0.70) 1.63 20.45 (5.94) 2.39 1.70 2.11 3.31
      Total (0.70) 1.63 21.31 3.61 9.44 10.39 8.74 8.37

      1 5 August 2010
      Fund returns are calculated net of management fees and assuming all distributions are reinvested
      3 S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index
      4 Distribution may include income, realised capital gains, and any return of capital

      Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

      Past performance information provided on this website is given for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as (and is not) an indication of future performance. Investing involves risk including loss of capital invested. Please click here to read the disclaimers in full.

      PDS & Forms

      PDS & Forms

      Please click here to check whether there has been a recent disclosure notice issued for your Fund.

      Please click here for new investor application forms.

      Fund PDS Additional information Target Market Determination Application form – existing investor Withdrawal form Switch form Change of details form
      Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Unhedged) View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF
      Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield (Hedged) View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF
      Man AHL Alpha (AUD) View PDF View PDF   View PDF
      Man GLG Asia Opportunities View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF  – View PDF
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      Munro Concentrated Global Growth View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF   View PDF   View PDF
      Munro Global Growth View PDF View PDF View PDF   View PDF View PDF
      Payden Global Income Opportunities View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF View PDF
      Tribeca Alpha Plus –
      Class A
      View PDF View PDF
      Tribeca Australian Smaller Companies – Class A View PDF View PDF View PDF
      TCP Private Debt Income View PDF View PDF –  –  –  – 
      Individual CRS Self-Certification Form Updated Fees and Costs Disclosure – June 2021
      CRS Entity Self-Certification Form
      Controlling Person CRS Self-Certification


      Fund Fund update Annual report Half-yearly report Fact
      Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield  (Unhedged)   View PDF View PDF   View PDF   View PDF
      Epoch Global Equity Shareholder Yield  (Hedged)   View PDF View PDF   View PDF   View PDF
      Man AHL Alpha (AUD)   View PDF View PDF View PDF
      Man GLG Asia Opportunities   View PDF   View PDF
      Munro Climate Change Leaders   View PDF   View PDF View PDF View PDF
      Munro Concentrated Global Growth View PDF   View PDF View PDF   View PDF
      Munro Global Growth   View PDF   View PDF View PDF   View PDF
      Payden Global Income Opportunities   View PDF View PDF View PDF
      Tribeca Alpha Plus – Class A   View PDF   View PDF View PDF
      Tribeca Australian Smaller Companies – Class A   View PDF View PDF