Amid a pandemic ripping through equity markets, there is a set of stocks that quickly developed herd immunity and eliminated the virus from their growth trajectory to become the top-performing ASX 200 companies.
These five superstars, with an average market cap of $9 billion, emerged from March with a scorching vengeance to round-off financial year 2020 with a total return of 125% on an equally-weighted basis. Meanwhile, the S&P/ASX 200 lost 7.68% over that same period.
But has this WAAAX-filled, biotech-laden and gold-plated monster of a group gone too far, considering their PE ratios range from -454x to +72x this year’s earnings?
In this episode, Tribeca’s Jun Bei Liu, lead portfolio manager of the Tribeca Alpha Fund, joins a high-energy, no-fence-sitting debate on whether Australia’s growth miracles can keep on keeping on.
To watch the debate and read the notes, click here.